I like pancakes, yes I do. I like pancakes, how 'bout you?
I especially enjoy reading about a writer who published a book about pancakes, yet made a writing error on their website. Irony is sweet and sour. It makes me think that someone will hire me to write someday.
"If you'd like to read more about it, jump on over the cookbook page."
Do you envision someone actually jumping over the "cookbook page" like I do? I can't help but see a little person taking a Mario-style jump way high in the sky while the page goes passing underneath them. Boing. Boing. 1-UP.
Nevertheless, I'm excited to read all 72 self-declared "Tasty Recipes for the Perfect Stack". I never knew so many could even exist... in my belly.
Invite me over, will ya'? I'll bring syrup!!